Monday, October 10, 2005

Call me Fergus

Watched "The Crying Game" last night. Didn't realize that (1) eighties hairstyles went straight into the early nineties, (2) sunday nights are probably the best nights to watch old movies, and (3) Neil Jordan is an AMAZING director and writer. I hardly watch movies, so I'm relatively easy to please. But this movie just caught me, shook me, and wrangled a few startles (of terror and of beauty) from me. Dil singing "The Crying Game" at the Metro bar reminded me of the complexities of all performance (and of 80s hairdo). Dialogue that spins from speaker, to middle-man bartender of messages, to intended listener drinking margarita at the other side of the bar was both dizzying and intriguing. What we keep and what we don't keep secret. How we are forever changed by what we know. What is impossible for us to evade because it is in "our nature". Scorpion and Frog! Story of the scorpion and the frog. I'm telling you the story of the scorption and the frog. Even if it's already been told.


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