Saturday, November 11, 2006

This makes it to the big screen: A reply to Frances

Yes, choose someone else's class to sit in. haha I am in serious doubt that there is much I can teach you. (Although I can almost imagine now you raising your hand, speaking in tounges (how does one imagine someone one has not seen?) and the rest of the class fading into the background as I stumble to answer your question. With hesitation. With what's left of a good, deep question. The kind that doesn't end. While the world turns dark. Because it's already 6. And even the night too has its own mother waiting to close the door on it. Into the light.)

There are other days when things are simpler. When silence means yes there is much much happening in the blurry backdrop of a street scene. Or an old house. Or the whole throng of creation's hierarchy: angel, and devil, and sweet heads with wings, and rings of light. And one walks, or runs, as if with music. As if one was music. And a fit of laughter lifts the young girl into the gaping whole of the sky that must be the mouth of god.

But sometimes silence means no. And like with any swift refusal we have seen, heard, stolen away before. We have nothing to say to it. We pretend we have not heard. We are born again, and this time without ears.


At 3:46 AM, Blogger FC said...

(how does one imagine someone one has not seen?)

We do it, all the time. Jackal-headed, 40-armed crucified gods and demons. Silhouettes in windows and chalk outlines of bodies on pavement. The neighbours in your apartment whom you have never met but know by the sounds they make. Why does ET look so familiar? When you read the newspaper headline "Ulo Napislat, Naligsan sa Trak", whose face is that that flashes through your head? Coming back home you sometimes look suspiciously at crowds of people you know for fear that inside waits a past lover, although it has been ten years, and no longer know what he looks like. Someone who steps and disappears into doors and turns into street corners.

At that distance anyone could be beautiful.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the Zadie Smith interview heads up. you gotta love them accents and the way the british pronounce 'Nabokov'. nice blog too.

At 2:03 AM, Blogger fanboy420 said...

Oh my gosh Larry! I finally caught up with your blog to find that you won the Palanca and we saw each other at Javies Bday and I didn't even congratulate you!!!!!!!! Oh my god! Congratulations!!!


I was stone drunk at that party and I don't remember anything but Em tells me we three shared a lollipop. Hahahaha! Wasak!


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