Saturday, November 18, 2006

Resurrection Saturday

I'm back! And already I'm half-tempted to change the format of this site. No decent resurrection should ever happen without the fireworks. Willi, I've started looking for Sebald and Baker already. Too bad the only recollection I have of ever having held Austerlitz was in a booksale branch long closed. A boy. In black and white. And back then, it seemed like an odd book I thought I would never be interested in. U and I, on the other hand, must have been in aeon books. And yes, because, again, my taste wasn't as complicated as it probably is now, it too slipped past my hands. I will tell you how the writing and the reading goes.

It's a variation of regret: the regret of books not bought, long lost, and forsaken to someone else's whim (or wisdom). Nothing too bad though that's worthy of deep rumination here. It's covered up by other regrets, bigger losses.

Em, yes, I can spell write, right? And vera mau jud, mabasa ra jud. Kinsay dili mabasa walay silbi. Kinsaiy dili mabasa dili ma-unay.

Appetite has a way of ruining itself. By satisfying itself.

If, in the end, you deny yourself the satisfaction of a selfish grip of the day. Then I know you have long forsaken the pleasure of reading, of writing. You cannot understand. You will never.


At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was wondering what happened to this site. i'm almost done with a story I've been working on for months. The one that has missed two important deadlines including dean alfar's 2nd spec fic antho (my god missing that one broke me up [the story is after all 'speculative']). But this time i'm REALLY almost done--with an ending actually peeping a little from under the murkies. send it out as soon as I am, along with a couple of old ones. that is, if you pramis to send samples of your stuff afterwards. hehe.

At 12:20 AM, Blogger wilfredo pascual said...

hi larry. that's it, the the austerlitz cover. anyway, i must confess i had sebald and baker gathering dust on my shelf for a year or so before the right time came when i was ready and i needed them. until the words like water just flowed. i know what you mean. all these unread titles waiting on our shelves.


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